From the press release: “Post hip-hop troubadour RJD2 teamed with dance and media artist Bill Shannon for the ‘Work It Out’ video. Shannon, born with a degenerative hip condition, developed a way to express himself through dance (and even skateboarding) on crutches. Director Joey Garfield took to the streets of New York and captured one continuous shot of Shannon, injecting RJD2 into random roles throughout the video.”

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    Electric Cinema


    Work It Out




    Joey Garfield
    RJD2 on MySpace


    Work It Out

    From the press release:

    “Post hip-hop troubadour RJD2 teamed with dance and media artist Bill Shannon for the ‘Work It Out’ video. Shannon, born with a degenerative hip condition, developed a way to express himself through dance (and even skateboarding) on crutches. Director Joey Garfield took to the streets of New York and captured one continuous shot of Shannon, injecting RJD2 into random roles throughout the video.”

    Tags: 1-shot, docu-style, live-action