Freshly awarded the Special Jury Award for commissioned films at  Annecy 2013, this lovely uplifting animation promo for Benjamin Scheuer directed by Peter Baynton tells the story of a little lion’s growing up process. Highlighting the importance of family while using cardboard figurines animated in a simple yet eye-catching way, “The Lion”‘s energy is infectious, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself watching it multiple times.

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    Sonic Animation


    The Lion


    Benjamin Scheuer and Escapist Papers


    Peter Baynton


    The Lion

    Freshly awarded the Special Jury Award for commissioned films at  Annecy 2013, this lovely uplifting animation promo for Benjamin Scheuer directed by Peter Baynton tells the story of a little lion’s growing up process. Highlighting the importance of family while using cardboard figurines animated in a simple yet eye-catching way, “The Lion”‘s energy is infectious, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself watching it multiple times.

    Tags: award winner, comedy, directors from UK, paper