This charming interactive music video that narrates the adventures of an adorable robot is yet another worthy winner of the Tribeca – Genero TV – Interlude competition. Users get to control the choices the little robot makes in his journey, while also indirectly influencing the visual style of the music video. Quite nicely director Jakub Romanowicz also squeezes in some “Easter eggs” references to  classic music videos. See if you can spot them! Read more about the Interlude technology here.

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    Damon Albarn - Heavy Seas of Love interactive music video directed by Jakub Romanowicz



    Heavy Seas of Love


    Damon Albarn


    Jakub Romanowicz

    Jakub Romanowicz  on Vimeo


    Heavy Seas of Love

    This charming interactive music video that narrates the adventures of an adorable robot is yet another worthy winner of the Tribeca – Genero TV – Interlude competition.

    Users get to control the choices the little robot makes in his journey, while also indirectly influencing the visual style of the music video. Quite nicely director Jakub Romanowicz also squeezes in some “Easter eggs” references to  classic music videos. See if you can spot them!

    Read more about the Interlude technology here.

    Tags: animation, award winner, cgi, directors from Poland, interactive, motion graphics