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Do I Wanna Know?artist:
Arctic Monkeysdirector:
David WilsonWe Exist
Arcade Fire
Director: David Wilson
I Try To Talk to You
Hercules and Love Affair feat. John Grant
Director: David Wilson
Cancer Slam
Director: David Wilson
Mind Mischief
Tame Impala
Director: David Wilson
The Maccabees
Director: David Wilson
You Don't Know How Lucky You Are
Keaton Henson
Director: David Wilson
Keaton Henson
Director: David Wilson, John Malcolm Moore, Keaton Henson
The Bay
Director: David Wilson
Let Go
The Japanese Popstars
Director: David Wilson
We Got Time
Moray McLaren
Director: David Wilson
Do I Wanna Know?
For Arctic Monkeys’ “Do I Wanna Know” track, David Wilson directs a slightly more toned down (from what we’ve learned to expect from him, that is!) music video. The promo revolves around visualizations of sound waves, occasionally spiced up with bright colors, silhouettes of sexy ladies and different elements morphing into one another. Wilson fans need no worry: even though short and all the way at the end, there’s still a psychedelic explosion of animated shapes!
Tags: cartoony, directors from UK, psychedelic