If the words “data visualization” make you feel sleepy, congratulations: you’re a certified human. But what if those same words described the technique for Radiohead’s most innovative, interactive music videos? Following up from the spectacular House of Cards clip by standalone tech-creative Aaron Koblin, Japanese TV station WOWOW are running a feature on their site which invites you to mix your own video for 15 Step, using 12 color-coded streams of live concert footage – and a bunch of ritzy data visualization features. Register and share your edit with fellow directors-to-be, or sit back and enjoy the pretty colors.   More details about the interactive version here!

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    House of Cards




    Aaron Koblin and James Frost

    Aaron Koblin
    James Frost

    Top 10Interactive on SubmarineChannel

    House of Cards on SubmarineChannel


    House of Cards

    If the words “data visualization” make you feel sleepy, congratulations: you’re a certified human. But what if those same words described the technique for Radiohead’s most innovative, interactive music videos? Following up from the spectacular House of Cards clip by standalone tech-creative Aaron Koblin, Japanese TV station WOWOW are running a feature on their site which invites you to mix your own video for 15 Step, using 12 color-coded streams of live concert footage – and a bunch of ritzy data visualization features. Register and share your edit with fellow directors-to-be, or sit back and enjoy the pretty colors.


    More details about the interactive version here!

    Tags: band performance, data visualization