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Electric Cinema
Monkey Richesartist:
Animal Collectivedirector:
Jack KubizneApplesauce
Animal Collective
Director: Gaspar Noé
Monkey Riches
Wowzy, this brain tickling promo directed by Jack Kubizne for Animal Collective, debuts as an abstract interpretation of the ‘snake charming’ rituals by featuring an old man commanding a dancing rope. However don’t be fooled! Despite the euphoric hypnotizing beginning, as the music video progresses it also starts elaborating interesting subjects such as: the elder controlling and arguably ruining the lives of youths, a seemingly ‘innocent’ technology gaining power over a group of individuals, the ‘oppressor’ becoming the ‘oppressed’… All these, while the visuals evolve from a live action equilibrium to a psychedelic chaotic manifestation!
Directed by Jack Kubizne
Producer – Patrick James Ryan
Director of Photography – Brian Leisring
Production Designer – Julianne Irene
Set Designer – Benjamin Spinrad
Costumes and Props – Benjamin Spinrad & Julianne Irene
Hair and Makeup – Brittan White
Lead Animator – Steve Winfield Meyer
Stop Motion Animator – Vince Cretara
Motion Graphics – Tommi Gweilo
Stop Motion DP – John Miles Codding
VFX & Matchmoving Artist – Sam Roe