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Sonic Animation
Submarine Test January 1967artist:
John Mayerdirector:
Virgilio VilloresiSubmarine Test January 1967
This incredible music video for John Mayer was shot entirely live-action, with no post-production effects. The animations were done using the ombro cinema – an old technique where the silhouettes appear through the film and the movements are resulted from the stroboscopic illusion. Check here for more ombro cinema examples.
Other technologies used include: lenticular sheets – a set of lenses designed in such a way as when viewed from slightly different angles, different images are produced; and autostereoscopy – displaying stereoscopic images (3D for instance) without the use of special headgear or glasses on the part of the viewer.
via Motionographer
Read here more about pre-cinema animation!
Director: Virgilio Villoresi
illustration: Virginia Mori
dop: Marcello Dapporto
producer: Davide Ferazza
camera assistant: Edoardo Mari
assistant: Carlo Cossignani & Elisa Ghiretti
color grading: Claudio @Band
Prod. Co.: Withstand