Another gorgeous paint animation coming from the talents at Overture, this time telling the story of little Gunnar and his encounters with the spirit Oyami. Wanting to know more about this video, we asked the directors to tell us a few words about it: “We first began thinking about Gunnar’s story on a camping trip a few years ago. It was getting dark in a setting not that different from Gunnar’s waterside path home and we were enjoying the electric fear we found in the deepening shadows. We were curious about this relationship to the unknown and frightening, our playful reaction to runaway, sniff closer, then run away again. We thought we could explore and express this relationship more articulately in an animation so we created Ludic Chase (“ludic” meaning “playful”), telling the story of Gunnar and his relationship with Oyami (“yami”  means “darkness” in Japanese)”.

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    Sonic Animation


    Ludic Chase






    Mr. Sandman

    The Kleenrz

    Director: Overture



    Director: Overture

    Ludic Chase

    Another gorgeous paint animation coming from the talents at Overture, this time telling the story of little Gunnar and his encounters with the spirit Oyami.

    Wanting to know more about this video, we asked the directors to tell us a few words about it: “We first began thinking about Gunnar’s story on a camping trip a few years ago. It was getting dark in a setting not that different from Gunnar’s waterside path home and we were enjoying the electric fear we found in the deepening shadows. We were curious about this relationship to the unknown and frightening, our playful reaction to runaway, sniff closer, then run away again.

    We thought we could explore and express this relationship more articulately in an animation so we created Ludic Chase (“ludic” meaning “playful”), telling the story of Gunnar and his relationship with Oyami (“yami”  means “darkness” in Japanese)”.
    Tags: paintery