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Sonic Animation
Gray Keysartist:
Chilly Gonzalesdirector:
Carlo VegaExpansion II
Insa Donja Kai
Director: Carlo Vega
Niggas In Poorest
Yasiin Bey
Director: Carlo Vega
Gray Keys
After an amazing typographic video for Yassin Bey, Carlo Vega delivers another hypnotic piece featuring a dance of gray geometrical shapes on Chilly Gonzales’s jazzy track.
As it was not deliberately meant as a promo, Carlo Vega gave us some inspiring insight about how he views his work: “In some ways it can be a music video, or just motion graphics, someone even called it an animation to the music. The truth is I’m no critic, to me these are simply video art pieces. I’ll let the critics put me in categories and rate me.”
Tags: abstract, animation